Three Paths, One Future: Which Will You Choose?


You’ve poured your time, energy, and hard-earned money into bringing your nonfiction book to life. You’ve invested in editing, design, and publishing, ensuring that every detail reflects the quality of your work. But now, as you stand on the brink of sharing your book with the world, you face a crucial decision — one that many authors overlook.

After making a significant financial commitment to create your book, will you make the same commitment to marketing it? Or will you risk all that investment by holding back?

The choices before you are clear: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got in your book marketing efforts.

The path you choose will determine whether your book reaches its full potential or falls short of the success it deserves.

Which path will you take to secure your book’s future?

The Temptation to Give Up

Marketing a book feels overwhelming, especially in the early stages. The sheer flood of tasks — building an author platform, crafting social media posts, and engaging with readers is daunting. It’s easy to feel disillusioned when you don’t see immediate results.

The thought of giving up might whisper in your ear, luring you with the promise of relief. Choosing to give up ensures your book will vanish into obscurity, buried among countless forgotten works. It will fade away, lost in the shadows of unnoticed expertise.

Instead of surrendering, remember that every successful author has faced similar challenges. The key lies in pushing through that initial wave of resistance and believing wholeheartedly in the value of what you’ve created.

Example: Take Steven Johnson, a first-time author who initially felt crushed by the demands of marketing his nonfiction book on digital transformation. When his social media posts seemed to fall on deaf ears, the thought of quitting loomed large. But instead of giving in, Steven chose to push forward. He invested time in truly understanding his audience and fine-tuning his content strategy. Slowly but surely, his efforts began to pay off as word-of-mouth spread, and his book gained traction, eventually becoming a bestseller in its niche.

The Pitfall of Giving In

Giving in often sneaks up on you, manifesting in subtle ways that seem harmless at first. You might start strong, full of energy and commitment, but then gradually lose steam.

Perhaps you rely too much on one marketing strategy, ignoring the need for a well-rounded approach. This complacency leads to a slow, creeping stagnation where your book gains a bit of visibility but never reaches its full potential.

To avoid this, it’s essential to stay consistent, to keep your marketing efforts dynamic, and to be ready to adapt to feedback and trends.

Example: Rachel Miller, who published a meticulously researched book on sustainable living, initially focused her marketing efforts solely on Instagram. She enjoyed early success but soon found her growth plateauing. Realizing the need for a broader approach, Rachel diversified her strategy by including blog posts, podcast appearances, and email newsletters. This shift allowed her to reach a wider audience and significantly boost her book’s visibility.

Giving It All You’ve Got: The Path to Success

For your book to succeed, you must commit 100 percent to your book’s marketing campaign. This means leaving no stone unturned and embracing the “giving it all you’ve got” mindset.

Example: John Davis, author of a personal finance book, set clear goals for his marketing efforts. He aimed to reach 10,000 sales within six months, secure five media features, and grow his email list to 5,000 subscribers. By sticking to his detailed marketing plan and regularly assessing his progress, John not only met but exceeded his targets, ensuring his book’s success.

Here’s how you can transform that mindset into actionable steps:

Leverage Multiple Marketing Channels

Don’t limit yourself to a single platform. To maximize your reach, utilize a blend of traditional and digital marketing channels. This could involve social media marketing, email campaigns, content creation, and public relations efforts.

Example: Sarah Thompson, an expert in nutritional science, effectively combined blog posts, guest articles, and social media campaigns to market her book. Her appearances on health podcasts and local TV shows increased her book sales and expanded her social media following.

Engage with Your Readers

Building a loyal reader base is essential for long-term success. Engage with your readers through book signings, virtual events, and active participation on social media. Personal connections with your audience can turn casual readers into passionate advocates for your book.

Example: After releasing her book on mindfulness, Emily Roberts hosted a series of virtual workshops and Q&A sessions. These events not only boosted her book sales but also helped her build a loyal community of readers who actively promoted her book.

Monitor and Adapt

The world of marketing is ever-changing. What works today might not be effective tomorrow. Regularly monitor your efforts and analyze the results. Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to keep track of your progress. Be ready to pivot and adapt your strategies based on what’s working and what isn’t.

Example: Mark Johnson initially focused his marketing efforts on Facebook ads to promote his leadership book. When he noticed a drop in engagement, he shifted his focus to LinkedIn, where he found a more engaged audience. This adjustment led to a significant increase in his book’s visibility and sales.

Invest in Professional Help

Sometimes, the best way to give it all you’ve got is by bringing in the experts. Hiring a marketing consultant, a publicist, or a social media manager can provide valuable insights and free up your time to focus on writing and other creative pursuits.

Example: Jessica Lee, author of a historical biography, decided to hire a publicist to help with her book launch. The publicist secured several high-profile interviews and reviews, greatly enhancing her book’s profile and sales.

The Power of Persistence

Marketing a nonfiction book isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Persistence is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving lasting success. Keep reminding yourself of the passion and purpose that drove you to write your book in the first place. Don’t let setbacks discourage you; instead, let your determination lead the way. Every effort you put into marketing brings you closer to reaching your goals.

Example: Michael Green, an environmental activist, faced numerous challenges while promoting his book on climate change. Despite early setbacks, he remained committed, continuously engaging with his audience through public talks, social media campaigns, and partnerships with environmental organizations. His relentless efforts eventually led to his book being recognized as a crucial resource in environmental studies.


You stand at a crossroads with three choices: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got. As a nonfiction author, choosing to pour everything into your marketing efforts will transform your book’s journey.

Build a strong marketing plan, tap into every channel, connect with your readers, monitor your progress closely, and bring in experts when needed.

With these steps, you’ll navigate the twists and turns of marketing with confidence and determination. The path may be steep and demanding, but the satisfaction of seeing your book in readers’ hands will make every effort worthwhile. Your book deserves to be seen, and with the right mindset and actions, it will claim its rightful place in the world.

Do you feel like your book is a well-kept secret? Learn quick, effective techniques to simplify and boost your book marketing. 5-Day Book Marketing Mini-Course



Susan Friedmann, CSP - Book Marketer, Podcast Host

I work with nonfiction authors who want to market and sell books in bulk. Host, Book Marketing Mentors weekly podcast. Connect