Books as Bridges: Earning More Than Just Revenue


Do you think writing a book is just about sales? Think again!

Many authors think writing a book is a magic ticket to fame and fortune. They believe selling lots of copies is all they need. Unfortunately, this common mistake leads many authors astray.

They pour their hearts and money into writing, publishing, and marketing, expecting financial success from sales alone.

But here’s the truth...

The true value of your book isn’t in how many copies you sell but in what comes next, the new doors it opens, and the opportunities it creates. Successful authors use their books to unlock speaking, consulting, coaching, training, and many more possibilities.

It’s About the Impact

Imagine you wrote a book about gardening. It’s not just about teaching people how to plant flowers or grow veggies. Through your words, you want readers to feel the dirt, smell the fresh flowers, and get excited about digging in. When someone reads your book, they’re stepping into your world. And guess what? Now, they see you as an expert, not just someone who wrote a book.

Take Erin Benzakein, for example. She wrote “Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden.” Her passion for flowers jumped off the page. People loved her advice and tips so much that she now runs workshops, has an online store, and even hosts a TV show! Her book was just the start of her blossoming career. (pun intended!)

Books Build Credibility

Have you ever noticed that after reading a book, you begin to trust the author? They suddenly seem knowledgeable and credible.

That’s what happened with Jocelyn K. Glei. She wrote “Unsubscribe,” a book about managing email and being more productive. It wasn’t a bestseller, but it put her on the map as a productivity guru. She started getting offers to speak at events, run workshops, and even host her own podcast.

Her book was the key that turned her from a writer into a trusted expert.

Being a published author boosts your credibility, often leading to opportunities that are far more valuable than just selling books.

Open Doors to New Opportunities

A book can act as a springboard to open doors to new opportunities. For example, if you write a book on photography, it can lead to exciting prospects. Photography schools might invite you to teach courses, sharing your expertise with aspiring photographers. Camera companies could ask you to review their latest products, recognizing your authority in the field.

Consider the case of David duChemin, who wrote “Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision.” His book established him as a respected voice in photography, which led to speaking engagements at major photography events, workshops around the world, and collaborations with camera manufacturers.

Each opportunity allowed duChemin to increase his income, strengthen his personal brand, and extend his influence far beyond the pages of his book.

From Pages to Stages: Speaking and Workshops

When you write a book, people often view you as an authority in your field. They may invite you to speak to their groups or lead workshops.

Consider what happened to Angela Duckworth, who wrote “Grit.” However, once her book was published, she found herself on stages around the world, sharing her insights about the importance of grit over talent. Duckworth transformed her book into a platform far beyond her academic research, allowing her to reach a much larger audience.

Coaching and Consulting: Your Book as a Launchpad

When you write a book on a specific topic, it lays the foundation for a great consulting or coaching career. Transitioning from author to consultant allows you to earn more than you would from book royalties alone.

Using your book’s content and the trust it builds with readers allows you to find multiple ways to earn money and make a bigger impact in your field.

For example, Michael E. Gerber, author of “The E-Myth Revisited,” transformed his book’s success into a global consulting firm. His principles on small business management became the foundation for workshops, coaching programs, and consulting services that have helped and continue to help thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide.

Gerber’s journey illustrates how a well-written book can evolve into a comprehensive business ecosystem, offering value far beyond the original text.

Make Money in New Ways: Licensing, Rights, and Spin-Offs

Your book doesn’t have to stop at just being a book. What if someone wants to translate it into another language? Or turn it into an audiobook? That’s more money and more readers.

Look at Meera Kothand, who wrote “The One Hour Content Plan.” She started with a book, but now she’s got a whole line of planners and courses to help people with their content strategy.

Instead of letting her book sit on a shelf, she used it to create a profitable venture.

Connect with a Broader Audience

Every reader of your book is a potential new fan. They might start following you on social media, reading your blog, or attending your events. Think of your book as a magnet, drawing people into your world.

For example, Luvvie Ajayi Jones wrote “I’m Judging You” and built a vibrant community around it. Her readers connect with her online, attend her events, and can’t wait for her next move. Her book didn’t just sell; it started a movement.

Your Book Is Just the Start

Selling books is fantastic, but the broader impact of what your book can do is where the real money lies.

Your book is a powerful key to opening doors you didn’t even know existed. It builds your reputation, connects you with new audiences, and brings exciting opportunities your way.

Instead of focusing solely on sales, consider your book the start of something much bigger. It’s your launchpad to make a greater impact through speaking, training, coaching, consulting, or creating products.

As you market your book, consider how it can generate multiple income streams. It can lead to speaking gigs, training sessions, coaching, consulting in person and online, and a wide range of products. The possibilities are endless!

It’s the start of an incredible journey where your ideas can thrive and grow far beyond what you ever imagined!

Do you feel like your book is a well-kept secret? Learn quick, effective techniques to simplify and boost your book marketing. 5-Day Book Marketing Mini-Course



Susan Friedmann, CSP - Book Marketer, Podcast Host

I work with nonfiction authors who want to market and sell books in bulk. Host, Book Marketing Mentors weekly podcast. Connect